The History of The Church of the Knotted Ash
In early 2003 Lady Ivy and Lord Eldraun were married. They had met within a spiritual group that they both called Home. Later that year, after a turn of events that led them both to reconsider where they were spiritually, they decided to part ways with this spiritual group and move on. While they were coming to this decision, they were teaching out of their home and enjoying an active outreach in the community, through offering various classes and holding public holiday rituals in Buffalo, New York. When they looked toward the future, they realized that they had a wonderful group of people surrounding them. After many late evenings filled with discussion, Lord Eldraun and Lady Ivy came to the conclusion that they needed to create their own system, a system that would not only inspire their own personal growth but would also be inspiring to others. In their system, they wanted to include instruction for others to learn how to teach, heal, console, reach out to those within the community, and to offer their services in a respectful manner.
Lord Eldraun and Lady Ivy searched through papers, books, and the endless amounts of information that they had available and created something they felt met their goal. The blend of Celtic Wicca and Teutonic beliefs created the base. As it was being written, they approached their prospective students and explained their plans and goals. They asked for patience while they created this foundation. If the students were willing to wait, Lord Eldraun and Lady Ivy expressed that they’d love to have their company on this new journey. Every prospective student that was approached agreed, and so their future students, Lady Ivy and Lord Eldraun spent 2004 getting to know each other through holiday rituals and full moon gatherings at the homestead. In January of 2005, with the official Dedication of these students, the “Coven of the Albino Bat” was born. Later that year, the title, “Clan of the Knotted Ash” was introduced as the official name, allowing room for the growth of other covens.
Throughout the next two years, the Coven of the Albino Bat grew at an unexpected rate. Lady Ivy and Lord Eldraun saw great advancement in their students, and the coven kept getting bigger. During the time period between 2007-08, a split in philosophies occurred with some of the students, causing many members to walk away. It was a time of reflection within the group and for Eldraun and Ivy as its leaders. This was the catalyst which led to a revamping of the system. The lesson structure was streamlined and reorganized. They tweaked what needed tweaking, and got rid of whatever wasn’t working.
In the Spring of 2008 the Clan elevated its first Third Degree, and the second followed in the Fall. With this great evolution, the clan leaders went to the effort of looking ahead to the future of the Clan and decided to add a bit of legality to the system. Work began toward making the Clan a legal Church in the state of New York. Lady Ivy, Lord Eldraun, Lord Rathnorian and Lady Bellirosa (who has since parted ways with the CotKA) spent many evenings putting together the paperwork, and on June 1, 2009, the Clan officially became a Church. Over the years, Lady Ivy and Lord Eldraun have conducted wedding and funeral ceremonies, working individually with each couple or family to make their experience the best it can be. They embrace these opportunities with great respect and honor. They feel strongly that it is their responsibility to serve those in the community in need through times of happiness and great sadness.
The newly elevated Thirds of the Clan of the Knotted Ash didn’t waste any time in birthing their own covens. They both worked hard at getting potential students, and by August of 2009, the Coven of the Black Vulture (Black Vulture is retired) and the Coven of the Crimson Dragon (Crimson Dragon is retired) were officially formed. In October of that same year, Lord Eldraun attended the first Dedications into the Coven of the Black Vulture. Lady Ivy then attended the first Dedications into the Coven of the Crimson Dragon in early 2010. All three covens were run by well respected leaders, and experienced a fluctuation in membership. In 2012, The Coven of the White Wolf was born with Lady Kaltem as the HPS. The Coven of the Grey Lynx began in 2014 by Lady Eir who is a High Priestess of the Third Degree.
In the spring of 2018, Lady Eir, Lady Kaltem and Lord Rath were raised up to the position of Elder.
As a clan and church, we have members who are not enrolled in the lesson structure but who attend our holidays and other functions which are held in their local area. We have solitary students that do the lessons on their own, who are guided by the HP or HPS of the coven they are associated with. All solitaries are welcome at holiday functions but do not participate in coven functions. The Clan of the Knotted Ash is set up so that a person can study with us however their life dictates. The HP and HPS are their guides along this path, and their goal is to be able to help aid the students’ personal spiritual growth.
History is what makes us. Lord Eldraun and Lady Ivy have traveled through many paths, and many of the students within the Clan of the Knotted Ash have as well. With the wisdom and experience of past lessons, Lord Eldraun and Lady Ivy’s primary motivation is to elevate not only themselves but others spiritually and help them to find a connection with the Universe. It is their hope that this family will continue to reach outward and inward to better themselves and all who join the Clan of the Knotted Ash.